Escaping the Dump!


During the past few months Bety, the amazing psychologist who has been assisting Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation and our projects for several years, has Dump school registrationbecome a valued asset as well to our Canadian partner, Stevenson’s Ministries Foundation, in supporting families currently living near the dump in Magistero, a suburb of Puerto Vallarta that is a world apart from what typical tourists see.  Approximately 50 families currently live in extreme poverty in tar-paper or cardboard shacks; literally constructing their homes from the cast offs of others.   These poor people sort through garage during the day and at night in order to survive.  Our foundation, thanks to a very generous donation specifically for this project, has helped this spring to significantly improve the small, humble homes of two of these families.

Bety, while counseling several members of these families, discovered that many have little or no formal education.  Knowing that this could be the key to unlocking a much better future for these people, she contacted INEA, a Mexican government agency which oversees educational opportunities, and now has an INCREDIBLE 53 adults at Dump school 1the dump registered to take classes starting immediately at the New Beginnings center – 18 for elementary school, 16 for middle school, and another 19 for high school certification.  What a significant step toward hope for a new and different future.  But we need your help to make this possible.  All of these deserving people are without the most basic of school supplies as such things as pencils and paper are considered extravagant purchases.  Your donation of $25 will provide supplies for 10 of these new and excited students.

Although this community is full of many deserving individuals, there is one special young woman who has caught our attention. Her name is Istasihuatl (Ista).  She is 22 years old, single, and living with her parents, 4 sisters and 1 brother in a tiny shack near the dump in Magistero.  She is very caring but quiet, and LOVES TO LEARN.  She Istawas able to complete high school (an unusual accomplishment for most Mexican people living in poverty) and even one year of nursing school in Tepic before very sad circumstances caused her to drop out of school and return to PV to help her family.  The dream of a better life for Ista and her family, according to Bety, is still foremost in her mind.  She needs our help to make her dream a reality.  She has the opportunity to take the classes necessary to complete her degree in nursing in two more years by traveling to Tepic (167 km. from PV) by bus each Saturday and doing her practicum work at the ISSTE Hospital in Pitallal (near the dump) during the week.  Registration and tuition fees, along with her work uniform and bus fare to and from Tepic each Saturday will total roughly $300 US per month.  Donors of $100 US or more “For Ista” will receive bi-monthly updates plus photos showing the difference you are making.  PLEASE, let’s pull together and help Ista get away from this cycle of poverty and realize the future she longs for and deserves.

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