Making a Difference


Micaela Hurtuk is 14 years old from Boise, Idaho.  She attends the Sage International Middle School, but visits Macala with Madre Mari 2Puerto Vallarta in February each year.  Over the last three years, this very special young woman has visited RISE and dedicated her efforts to helping the children.  She explains it as follows:

“At four months my parents adopted me because my birth mom couldn’t take care of me and knew that my parents would.  I’m so glad that my birth  mom picked my parents and sisters to adopt me.  Otherwise, I would have been in a foster home or shelter like the children at RISE.  This is the reason why I love to help the children.  It is my way of “paying it forward” and I hope that someday one of the children at RISE will be able to “pay it forward too.”

Micaela brings donations each year.  She saves from birthdays, Christmas and allowance money, and asks friends to help.  She has brought dental products, pajamas, Micala with Madre Lety 2underwear and socks in addition to $800 in cash.  Her school helps raise money with bake sales.

Her visit to RISE this past February enabled her to spend time with the babies in the nursery as well as with older children and the Madres who care for all the children.  Micaela was particularly drawn to the one-month old baby as she held and fed him.  She said that she felt sad that she could not give all the attention the children needed.  But Micaela has thought of something she can do.  She said,

“One thing I wish is if 100 people donated $20 each to the “shoe fairy,” next year when I go to RISE I will be able to bring $2000 to pay for 100 pairs of shoes.  This would be my dream come true.  I will be helping my dream come true for 2014 by raffling some photos I took while in Mexico these past three years.”

Micaela took these photos.  To donate, mention Micaela’s Dream for 2013-2014 when sending your donation to Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation.

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