2012 – A Time For Reflection … A Time For New Beginnings


It’s the New Year and the time for new beginnings.  For many of us, it’s that time of year to do some housekeeping, to decide what no longer works for us in order to make room for something new.

We’ve done some of that, figuratively speaking, at the CSHF.  After many years of a wonderful relationship with the Canadian CSHF, during which time both foundations grew individually, we have decided to become totally separate entities.  We wish the Canadian Foundation all the best in their partnership with a new US foundation.  We would like to emphasize, however, that we, at the US Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation, will be independent and not a part of their partnership.
This year, our president Chris Amo is taking a well-earned sabbatical after 8 years of chairing the annual fund raiser for RISE, and the Canadian group is taking over that event, using the facilities, contacts, and network that Chris worked so hard to establish.  We encourage your attendance on this fun night.  It should be noted that the RISE fund raiser is specifically for the Refugio and is outside of the regular mission of the CSHF.

Maestra Luz 1At the Refugio, some things have changed recently; however, our focus remains the same.  The children at the Refugio are still being sheltered, fed, clothed, tutored, and transported to their various schools.  And we at the US Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation are, with your help, continuing to support them in all of the above ways, including helping with medical and dental care and providing extra comfort by paying for the presence of a psychologist.  Our 10 X 10 child-sponsorship program also continues to provide funds for specific individual needs as well as special outings and experiences for the children at RISE.  For more information about this simple way to make a difference for only $10 per month, please contact Chris Amo.

At Pasitos, construction is now well underway for the first phase of a new, larger space which is so very needed.   Construccion Pasitos (10)The new facility will allow Pasitos de Luz to provide many new services to all children in the Bay of Banderas area who have handicapping conditions, to give support to their families, and to offer intern training opportunities for institutions throughout Mexico interested in helping.  Our involvement at CSHF will remain focused on supplying funds for their monthly basic operations needs as they grow into these new visions.

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