A Matter of Trust

DSCN2504People comment frequently that a unique and attractive feature about our foundation is that we are small and PERSONAL.  We, as board members, are volunteers; involved and committed to helping children in need in Mexico.  We know the children at RISE, Sendero, Pasitos, and our other projects – we agonize over their struggles and celebrate their successes.  We are there with the children regularly, full of ideas and dreams, and we have tender hearts.  We give tours, tell everyone about our work, take the children on outings, help with fundraising events …. We are concerned, inspired, zealous advocates, PASSIONATE about giving children hope for a better, brighter future.

Citlaly-1We maintain transparency by posting our tax documents and other important information on our website, sending out newsletters with updates regularly, and answering all emails and questions from donors and potential donors promptly.

Our foundation expenses, focused primarily on printing, website maintenance, and communications, are incredibly low (from 6% in 2013 to under 2% in 2014).  We are careful guardians of the donations entrusted to us and do the very best we can to fulfill our promises to the people we work with and to the children.  For transparancy purposes, we also provide our 2014 tax statement on the CSHF website. WE CARE and we want to make a difference.  PLEASE write to us, TRUST US, and continue to support our efforts when you can.


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