A castle, horses to ride, a small beautiful garden space . . . . All of these things and much more have been in her dreams for MANY years! During difficult times she has continued to believe that dreams can come true.
[singlepic id=97 w=320 h=240 float=right]It was my delight and pleasure to go with Yolanda Sanchez, founder and executive director of Pasitos de Luz, this past week to the construction site of her dream castle.
“The huge physical therapy room will be here, the kitchen and dining rooms there, the small private space for medical evaluations over there, and three therapy pools for exercises will be in that space that’s being framed in now . . . . and just beyond the large garden spaces for outside picnics will be the horses that will delight the children,” she reported to me as she literally danced around the new spaces taking shape very rapidly thanks to some generous donations.
[singlepic id=93 w=320 h=240 float=left]It truly is amazing and exciting – a dream coming true for many children with disabilities and their families in the Puerto Vallarta area who need and will benefit greatly from all of the support services this new facility will offer, including physical, art, dance, speech, and massage therapy; medical evaluations and assistance; nutritious meals; short-term residential care to offer relief to families; and LOTS of loving attention – all in a fairytale castle structure.
Dreams can come true. I am a believer for sure now!!