Outfit A Child


I have just returned from Puerto Vallarta for a board meeting of the Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation and some much loved time with the children at the Refugio and Pasitos de Luz.

Nov. 2012 009In the 15 days I was there, 5 new children arrived on the door steps of RISE – YES, five children, PLUS the 3 who arrived from Child Protective Services (DIF) in August.  This now gives us 47 children who reside full time at RISE and whom we help support through your generous donations.

When a child arrives, they come only with the clothes on their backs.  Soon after children arrive a brief evaluation of their physical and mental needs is made.   Three of the children’s heads were so infested with head lice that there was no other option but to give all the girls a ”butch” hair cut. Our psychologist reports that these children had experienced both physical and mental trauma, but sadly, it was not from the hair cuts.

Since my own children are grown, I asked myself “How much will it cost RISE to provide just ONE child with the basics they will need?”  Since I did NOT know, I decided I needed to go shopping for 3 t-shirts, 3 underpants, 4 pairs of socks, tennis shoes, sandals, 2 tops, 1 pair of shorts, 1 skirt, 1 dress and a pair of pajama’s.  The total expense for just one child was approximately $1500 Pesos OR “$120 US (the amount requested for being a current  10 x 10 Child Sponsor for one year).  Now multiply that by 5, and if 5 more arrive, multiply that again!

And with all this said, I am happy to announce our newest board member, Susan Solomon, who will soon be directing our 10 x 10 Program and will be introducing to you new ways you can help our mission.

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