Profile of Our Donors


February marked another milestone for Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation – the completion of our eleventh year of helping children and families in the Bay of Banderas area near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  It is amazing how we have changed and GROWN over these years.  Although our Board of Directors is still a small group of energetic, compassionate volunteers, we have gained many new friends and supporters.


We are proud to share that we currently have 715 caring people who have donated to our foundation and have their names listed on the Donors page of our website. Many of these donors give regularly – each year, bi-annually, or even each month. Some donate for specific efforts, such as mattresses (see above article), tires, shoes, backpacks, etc.  Some sponsor children each year through our 10 X 10 program at RISE (website link) or our new SOS – Sponsor One Student program (website link) helping to support strong, dedicated students through Sendero de Esperanza y Amor.

Contributions range from $20,000 per year to a one time donation of $5.  Each is valued as helping our foundation make significant contributions and changes at RISE, Sendero, Pasitos de Luz/Casa Connor, Houses for Hope, and other smaller projects.  We are making a difference!! We hope that you are a part of our ever growing family of donors.


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